ARTICLES, COMMENTARY & CAPTIONS (a collection, of Michael Izuchukwu)

(a woman wearing glasses, surfing the internet... on 'her' computer)\

(a woman, curious about the things... which others, may be silent about)

(a geographic map of the world/planet Earth, which has 195 countries... across 7 continents)

[PROOF OF ADDRESS (8342 DELCREST DR., UNIVERSITY CITY, MO 63124), as of 9/21/20 at 9:22 AM ( &



Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz309) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos]



Amara DiFrancesco (@amaravelous) • Instagram photos and videos


The 144,000 in Revelation (

BLOGGER BLOGS: Blogger: User Profile: Michael Izuchukwu

TWITTER MICRO-BLOG (primary): Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter (

COUCHSURFING BLOG: Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing (

FACEBOOK BLOG (current and most recent profile): Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (



4:56 PM (1/16/23): voldy36 (u/voldy36) - Reddit

1:55 PM (1/16/23): "I sent an AOL e-mail to myself (as a reminder), and there was a 10-minute delay (1:42 PM, to 1:52 PM)... I see no basis or legitimate reason, for this (in the context, of the speeds... of e-mail transmission..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(snapshot of sent e-mail)

(snapshot of received e-mail)

2:08 PM (1/16/23):
"This is not the first time I have experienced e-mail obstruction... I recollect such happening in 2019, regarding e-mail correspondence... with staff members at Eastern Virginia Medical School, whose names I had on a former laptop of mine (which was 'involuntarily disabled')... when I had been in Philadelphia, PA, in the Fall of 2019..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:52 PM (1/16/23): Video shows Russian missile barrage in Kyiv, Ukraine - YouTube

"Interesting footage, from Kyiv, Ukraine... regarding the present conflict... When this video is on replay, it seems as though the speaker is trapped... in a 'time loop'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:18 PM (1/16/23): JHud Meets Jaylen Smith — the Youngest Black Mayor in U.S. History - YouTube

"Inspiring interview between Jennifer Hudson and Jaylen Smith, that I just watched... Although Jaylen is 18 years old, I would hypothesize that he has the maturity of some '31-year-olds'... here (regarding presentation, and demeanor)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:02 PM (1/16/23): I’m 22, Make $80,000 A Year, & Spent $326 On My Wellness Routine This Week (

"Daily agendas, can help one be more proactive... amidst time's passage... Structure in one's life, can help deter 'diminished productivity'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:33 AM (1/16/23): "I believe my spiritual writings, will officially conclude... as of today. Further writing, is intended... for a different genre..." - Michael Izuchukwu

another what i spend in a week ! #whatispend #whatispendinaday #whatispendinaweek #chicago #chicagovlog #earlytwenties #whatispendmymoneyon (

Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (

7:29 AM (1/16/23):

Joe Biden - Wikipedia

[He was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970 and became the sixth-youngest senator in U.S. history after he was elected to the United States Senate from Delaware in 1972, at age 29. Biden was the chair or ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 12 years.] 

"In life, segues into certain arenas... are usually the outcome, of need..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:25 AM (1/16/23): Luxury Real Estate: Inside $100 Million Homes Around the World (

"Some nice homes... Certain experiences, require being born with a 'golden spoon'... Nevertheless, they tend to be 'worldly (of the world)'... ...even though, they can help facilitate... aspects, of the spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

6:53 AM (1/16/23): Putin Will Step Down In 2023, War In Ukraine Could End: Former Speechwriter Predicts (

"Interesting article, in the context... of the following video recording..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

If Vladimir Putin is overthrown, these 5 people... could replace him (6:51 PM, on 10/15/22) - YouTube

6:16 AM (1/16/23): Capitol rioter who stormed Senate chamber to 'plead the blood of Jesus' acquitted on obstruction charge because the judge said he had a 'unique stew in his mind' (

"Interesting article... 'Officially,' my spiritual writings have endured... since March 2019... At 3 years and 10 months, I believe they have reached a conclusion (or at least, that I am shifting gears)... ...even though I formerly, made such a proclamation... on 10/17/22... Such was via this post, to my Facebook profile:

[SPIRITUAL WRITINGS TIME WINDOW: 3/6/19 - 10/17/22 (a new phase has begun) KEY SITES: Facebook, Couchsurfing, Twitter and Blogger 

Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results ( 

6:10 AM (1/16/23): Youngest Black mayor in America takes office in Arkansas - YouTube

"Great resolve, is usually the genesis... of genius... Such can be manifested, in a myriad... of ways..." - Michael Izuchukwu





Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz537) • Instagram photos and videos

"How long has it been since you became the King of Darkness, my Prince...?" - Amara DiFrancesco 

"10 days, Amara... Perhaps you have been tuning in, to the most intriguing... of my blogs..." - Michael Izuchukwu



How Student Loans Affect Your Heart - YouTube

You should never sacrifice your health, for money... At some stage in life, the inverse relationship between time on Earth (chronological age) and health... strengthens, unless one takes the necessary precautions... in the preliminary decades, of his/her life... to deter such (proper lifestyle choices, for instance)...

An inverse relationship is when one variable/thing goes up, and the other... down... The longer you are on Earth (from a statistical standpoint, and regarding probability), you are more susceptible to developing ailments... Actively countering the 'warning signs' of potentially going down a path, leading to 'them'... is the best way, of straying...

"Prevention is better, than the cure..." - Desiderius Erasmus

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary… they will walk, and not be faint…” – Isaiah 40:31

Regarding this bible verse, if one seeks to walk on the path which is characterized by such... one must avoid 'vices of ingestion'... and commit to taking care, of one's physiology (which is reflected by the optimization of homeostatic/internal processes)...

Xi Jinping May Be Planning To Meet Vladimir Putin In Response To Pelosi Taiwan Visit (


Dr Dre nearly died after suffering brain aneurysm (


Think you'd enjoy being super-rich? Think again (

“For the love of money, is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith… and pierced themselves through, with many sorrows…” – 1 Timothy 6:10


(2 egg rolls, from the NJ Gourmet buffet... as of 2:03 PM, today - 'lunch supplementation')
voldy29 (u/voldy29) - Reddit


Engineer says she 'quiet quit' her job. Hear what that means | Watch (

0:12-0:18 of this video, alludes to the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic... has 'in fact' ended...


Astrophotographer captures incredible shot of Saturn from garage roof (

There are many places in the cosmos, that humans will 'never see'... in their lifetimes...



NASA astronaut Nicole Aunapu Mann will make history in space (

Interesting article, regarding the first Native American woman... projected to be in space. When I was younger, I had dreams of becoming an astronaut... and had thought my time at EVMS, could potentially have been a segue... for that ideal...


(leftover sausage cuts, and corn... for lunch, as of 11:12 AM... today - 8/20/22)


Exclusive: Bill Gates Talks Divorce, Jeffrey Epstein, Elon Musk - YouTube

Interesting talk, between Savannah Guthrie and Bill Gates... From 0:39-4:48, I had the impression that a conclusion had been reached... that the COVID-19 pandemic, had ended...


Elon Musk JUST REVEALED His Religion and Belief In God! - YouTube

There is a difference between net worth and 'net worth frequency'... The former is worldly, while the latter is spiritual... regarding the nature, of these two variables... Thus, the money one has... is not as significant in the eyes of God, as 'what one is about'... or the potency, one has...

4. African-American Christians; How To Spot A Fake Minister (1 John 4:1). (

There are many fake and/or incompetent pastors, in the world... One has to be spiritually fortified and discerning, to effectively distinguish...

This author of this article, was denoted as 'Staff'... which is not very informative... I thought the credibility of such, was questionable at best... due to the 'exaggerated' communication style, and 'seemingly satirical' content...

3. All-Black Female Crew Makes History On American Airlines Flight (

History can be a great teacher...

2. Signs your family doesn't care about you ( 

I suppose the issue of 'emotional apathy' and indifference, is not as uncommon in family dynamics... of people, as I might think...

1. USC math student, 20, makes $110million selling Bed Bath & Beyond's meme-stock (

Fortune favors the brave...

